At a time when unemployment reaches hight scores in France, most young people think about being employed. Why not try another way out? You should try and see their faces when they are told many young americans began their own business before theywere 25. As well as canadian students and young pepole in other country...
Well let's not blame people for what they are, because surely building one's own business isn't always an easy game. As for young French, a quick peeck at their background moslty explains a lot. When I asked one of my collegues why he didn't think about having he's own website builing business, he answered me that his parents had jobs and that it was also a kind of security to have a job, and that having a business also means running out of it one day or another. None of the young french i know have a parent that started it's own business.
The french culture isn't a pioneer one. So it doesn't come to evidence to young pepole that building their own business when they can't find a job could be a solution. But if one took a peek at the generations before them, one would notice that many of them have gone abroad and that many also, especially in african counrties, have started and succeeded their own business.
Well then maybe it's the french care policy that leads people to wanting to be employed. When you are employed in France you have many advantages:
-first of all you get free health care from most things except specialists like opticians...and so on.
-second of all you can stop working at any time and get paid for the time you are not at work (wich is the case in many other countries, and a good thing too). and when retirement comes, you get retirement aid.
-If you work for any of the governement administration, well then there will be no way you can ever be out of job. If you don't work well enough you will only be mooved to an other service.
-fourth thing is one must know that when you hire someone in France, it's very difficult to get him fired. That is most of the time impossible. The law is very protective with employees : they can sue their boss for abusive layoff.
Wich is why most companies are very carefull who they take on for a job and before that, they may think twice before taking someone on.Once they hire someone, it's like they are stuck with him.
Well that last point makes it also difficult for young people to find jobs, they are sometimes not taken seriously.But only sometimes.
Anyway, many more advantages makes employyee fell more secure. Only there has to be someone to pay for all that : social cares, retirement aid...Well it will be us futur employee!!! according to the governement to keep the balance between workers and retire people, so that everyone can continue to have social care and other helps... Well we will have to give part of our own salaries to the retired people but also to those who have began to work before we did.
Instead of all these salaries restrictions, I rather have my own business and work for myself in a small structure with one or two person.
The problem is being a boss is very expensive. You have to pay something like twice your employee's salary to the governement for him to let you employ that get the picture? now try and imagine what it means in a european country like France where life is not that cheap? How much must one pay it's employees so they can earn a normal living... a lot, not to forget one must pay a social care for each of the employees...
Well maybe that's why delocalisation has become a solution for many companies here. and a other big cause of the hight level of unemployment.
well then, one could do liek many French and go abroad, somewhere business is less expensive to run, or one could just work for itself.
Bineta TOURE, Metz, France
I absolutely agree with all you say. I am American, but have lived in the UK for 5 years and in various countries in West Africa for another 8 years, including your beloved Senegal (Dakar). France and the rest of the EU are more than welcome to keep the current system that you now have (enjoy?). We don't want it in America. We may have our problems, surely we do, but in America we have the freedoms of capitalsim, not the bindings of socialism. If a person wants to fuck up or fuck off all their life, they are free to do so. But they must pay the consequences. I refuse to support them if they choose not to work.
Thanks for your writing. And I love Dakar, some of my best friends are there.
Thanks a lot for being the first to answer my article, I agree with the american system in a way , because i believe it makes people be more responsable of their life, just like you said. The major crise in France is not really unemployment but people getting advantage of the unemployement aid system and ruining it all for the ones working.
A big hello to all the folks in Texas, maybe i'll have the chance to visit that state some day! To answer your question the system we have in senegal it's all good but not perfect. I trust we will make some changes...
Bineta,Metz Lorraine
Assalamou aleykoum,
when will the changes be made? and who'll make these changes?
I'm not so optimistic than you . you'd rather keep feet on earth dear sister; We're in Africa and people hate changes here. I'm not saying that there's no change in Africa, but things take so much time to be made that changes don't come at the moment there are need. May be with people like we'll bring up our minds one day...
Peace on you
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