One of my classmate at the faculty told me a little about the advantages of using linux. Since then I have been thinking of changing my windows XP for a Linux plateform.
Since most of the sofwares developed on linux are free that could help me explore very fast most of them that are related to web building. I could also try and find the alternatives to the windowsXP's sofwares I already use. The thing with Linux is , like PC or MAC, you have to get used to it.
Linux adapts to all sofwares and browsers. And besides the fact that it's free, I love that little Pinguin...Don't you?
If you are hesitating to use Linux maybe this page will help and make you change your mind.
If you're still not wanting to use Linux, you can always download all it's free sofwares which are both Mac and PC compatible. It's the Open-Source phenomenon !
Moreover, Linux is the only plateform with which you can work with without having to install it on your computer. In that case, all you need to do is burn the application on a CD and put that CD into your computer, and you're off to using Linux.
And hey, for all of you nerds out there, forgive me for writing about Linux so so late...If you could tell us more about the Linux plate-form, please do not hesitate, you are very welcomed to do so !